A week ago Bob and I put out Peck! Have you seen it yet? Go see it.
Because I am now a professional businessman and money-guy we've been selling the source file online for 2 bucks american. It comes with a recording of Bob and me breaking everything down shot for shot, so if you're into that sort of thing maybe buy it!
For some reason a lot of people don't like to talk about how much money they make. What's that about? You hiding something? I am not a hider or liar so here's exactly how much we've sold in the week Peck's been up:
So far we've gotten something like 9200 views between newgrounds and youtube, so about 1 in 550 people who watched the movie bought the source file. Now that might sound pretty shitty, but that's $3.31 for every thousand views, which really isn't too far from a normal ad-based CPM. If you're double dipping with ads AND bonus content (which I am,) you're almost doubling your income.
Now that isn't a totally honest statistic because the first people who see your movie are already your fans, and they're a lot more likely to buy shit (actually three of those payments are friends and family), but I don't have a big following so I'm assuming at least some of these buyers hadn't seen any of my work prior. And I only recognize a couple of the names (that's right, I have your names), so I don't think I'm being patronized.
So obviously I'm not going to make a killing off of 9000 views, but if you're one of these guys who gets 100k-10m views a video, that could be some serious $$$$ ka-ching!!!! And even though it's harder now than ever to break into the big leagues, I still have faith that if you just make something good enough you'll go viral. A prank time just recently got half a million views off a prior following of I think under 10,000 people, so it can still be done. Don't know if I'll ever get there, but I haven't lost faith just yet.
Will I ever do this again? Maybe! But there are a couple of kinks I'd like to work out:
- Paypal takes a huge cut. I think it's 33 cents off every purchase, which if you're selling a product for a dollar is 1/3rd of the profits. Literally the only reason it's 2$ is because that's three times as much money under paypal's dumb rules
- We originally wanted to do minimum 1$ name your price. The hosting guys (Sendowl) have a "name your price" option and I ticked it on the form, but I think paypal fucks it up and you can only ever pay the two dollars even if you wanted to pay more
- Paying with debit/credit cards is weird sometimes and doesn't always work. Once again probably paypal's fault. I wish there was an alternative but almost everyone uses paypal for this stuff so we might be taking a bigger hit by using something else
If you want to get around these paypal scamsters you can send the money directly to elfman_rox@yahoo.com and I'll send you the code directly. Then I'll get more at no extra cost to you (you'll have to wait for me to send the file, though.)
The one other thing is that if you're regularly putting out these bonus things for a few dollars each, people will be able to go back and buy the old ones, too. I don't think it's too unreasonable for someone to "discover" you and then buy every bundle at once. PLUS it was only like two extra hours of work to put the deal together, so there's really no reason this couldn't be a good chunk of your income as a webtoons guy.
So try it! (and buy it!) and watch peck!
For those of you who bought the Peck package, what'd you think? Would you buy another one? Would you pay more if you could?