Hey this is very aesthetically cool! Love the visual intensity, the nice little touches here and there, and that part where it's silhouettes on the flashy color BG.
If I may go on a tangent, that will make sense in a second:
Something that happens with a lot of people who are really serious about art stuff, and has happened to me personally, is in an attempt to get better they start obsessing about finer and finer details - getting every line perfect and redoing drawings fifty times, etc. Which is sometimes good because you reach for higher standards, but sometimes you can get so bogged down in the little details that you lose some of your ability to paint in "broad strokes," so to speak. For example, if I just spent hours and hours rendering one bit of animation, I might hesitate to put wacky video-effects on it, even if that makes it look cool, because I'm afraid of negating all that hard work. When this kind of thinking is applied over a whole project, the finished thing can come out kind of diluted - less punchy and less interesting than it would have been if I had just cared a little less.
I'm bringing all this up because I love the "broad strokes" in this - the flashing colors, the effects, the way the images are composed on the frame. It has this intense immediacy to it - a sort of rawness that sometimes people will lose over time, as they get too focused on the finer details of their work. So I just wanted to take a second now to say *please preserve that thing!* Obviously I don't know what your life's plans are or whatever, but if you're going to keep doing art, I want to give some encouragement to keep doing this kind of thing, and to not get in the habit of getting too attached to the work to fuck it up a little - to not get into the habit of pulling punches. Because you've got something good here, and it would be cool to see you keep pushing in this direction