Hey! I changed my icon. Do you like it? Me too.
For the last six years it was this dumb christmas hat I drew when I was 12. I think the only reason I stuck with it so long was because I wanted to be a brand. But now I just want to be a real human being, so I decided to go with something a little less faceless. On that note, I very briefly considered this guy:
And then I decided that was dumb too and I shouldn't have to be some slave to tradition so I gave up on the whole 'gradual change' thing and made a whole new man. Does that make this the start of a new era? I don't know and probably not.
I will admit there's been a real shift in tone over the last couple of years, though. When I was thirteen I always tried to be all professional and adult-sounding, but now I just want to be a real guy. Except for that whole "fuck you I'm the best" shtick. I'm still really into that. In fact, I'm starting to think it's not a bit and I'm actually a douche.
Speaking of which, do you remember a couple weeks ago when I was complaining about how all the good animators at my school all draw exactly the same way? Well just as an experiment, I entered this month's Eleven Second Club, a competition dominated by these Bluthers and Disneyboys. I got 24th, which is completely fucking retarded because it only got like 10 views during the voting period. I also lost to this.
Here's my entry by the way. I know it's not first place stuff, but I thought it was a lot better than all the samey shit in the top 20. On a positive note, it was really cool to just spend a shit ton of time polishing a few seconds of animation, 'cause up until this point I've never really had anything I'd consider to be my very best work. I'm pretty confident that that's the best I can do.
So what's next from the new n improved EmroxTV? Probably nothing for a long time. I do have this one cartoon that I was planning on doing last year and then I was planning on doing last winter and then I was planning on doing last summer and now I'm planning on doing next winter. For the record I've made zero progress on it, so it'll probably be out by late 2017. Remember when I could put out cartoons every month? I remember that. Those cartoons were shit by the way. At least compared to this new one.
Want to make my day? Ask me my opinion on something or someone. I'm a big fan of "discussions" so give it a shot!
What is your favorite Rush album and why?
I dunno. when I got into Rush I was a big fan of downloading songs one at a time from the internet, so I never got into the full albums. Moving Pictures has some of my favorite songs, and so does Permanent Waves, so I think it's between those two. I don't know if compilation albums are legal, but if they are I'd still have a hard time choosing 'cause there are sixty of them and they all have the same songs.
what about you?