First of all, if you didn't see Animals of the Metropolis, Check it out now.
I'm fairly pleased with how it came out. Personally, I wouldn't change a thing even if I had more time. Somehow, I tied for first in the animation category with a perfect score of 20/20. This is big for me, 'cause no entrant who's as heavily oriented to tweening as I am has gotten 100% in that department since 2008. I was docked quite a bit in the structure department due to the rather abrupt ending among other elements that lacked satisfaction, and I'll admit that the way I chose to organize the events was less than conventional. In my defense, though, my idea was to create it in a movie trailer-esque fashion, which naturally means I'd be leaving out some details (and the ending, of course!) Unfortunately, it isn't easy to convey that a movie is only a trailed without slapping on a fake green n' white "approved for xxx audiences" screen. It's harder than you'd think to make it look like a preview without making it look like a parody.
As for the movie itself, lots of inspiration came from other movies on NG, such as Almighty Hans' 'The T intro', and this gem one or two of you may remember by someone you probably remember less. My use of the whole "no outlines" style isn't completely foreign to me, though. It's a style that's really fun to work with that I've used every now and then since 2008-09.
Nevertheless, I succeeded this round, due to the fact that my opponent unfortunately couldn't quite make the deadline. Next up I'm going against TeamTamago, which should be a fun battle. Best of luck to all the other entrants!
Keep it up!
Thank you :3