Grab a bowl-a popped corn and watch the Three-Day* Flash Pass!
It takes some time to load, so go ahead and read the rest while you wait.
This past week has sucked pretty damn bad (and the recent deaths aren't helping), but hey - I got the collab finished, and as of right now, things are looking up. I'm going to be getting a new computer pretty soon (my last computer literally exploded), and this is great 'cause I've been saving for a new iMac for about three years now. Believe it or not, my last mac was about eleven years old before it spontaneously combustion'd. (I didn't know computers actually did that, but I guess they do).
Also, within the past two months I started a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) collection. So far, I have 42 cartridges and around $400 worth of equipment, which you probably don't care about, but I've taken a liking to. (God, I'm such a geek.) Seeing as my computer's busted, I'm starting to regret a few of the purchases, but for the most part I haven't really wasted any cash. For some reason NES games have this strange sort of charm to them that competing systems of the time didn't have. They had more vibrant colors and sounds, in addition to not being limited by the infamous atari brick-pixels. Plus, the way the developers work around the limitations of the NES never cease to fascinate me when it comes to music, sound effects, gameplay, and color palette.
Also I'm pretty sure I lost the first round of 'Clabtrap,' formerly the Newgrounds Hip-Hop Comp, but I got a couple votes against one of the more respected entrants to the competition, so that's gotta be worth something.
Also, here's my Twitter again. Take that Richard.
That was really fun, if you ever organise another one I'd love to try :P Anyway, grats on completing it and what is that intro song, it gives me this warm fuzzy feeling...
The intro music is a one-of-a-kind composition by and you can download it here: -UqV/menuMusic.html
I'd love to have you on board if we ever do another one of these, which I may organize this coming summer.