Above is the link to my 'hype-track' entry to Clabtrap 2012, formerly known as the NG hiphop competition. I thought it would be fun to enter, so I wrote 16 bars in maybe an hour or so. Then I was all set up with my mic and everything when I remembered that I have absolutely no experience in rapping, singing, or even talking with emotion.
Well, I wasn't going to let my hour go to waste, was I?
Other then that, it's been a pretty unproductive month, as most Februaries are for just about everyone in existence. (Shrug.) I'm still working away at a bunch of different projects, as listed below.
ALSO, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER BECAUSE I'M SICK OF GETTING ALL THESE FAKE FOLLOWERS that think I play the "I'll follow you if you follow me" game. I also need a boost in self esteem, so GO GO GO!
-THE 3 DAY FLASH PASS, a collab that is finally nearing completion after what was much longer than three days
-A FIGHTER GAME that was just recently started, and probably won't be completed in a long long time
-TWO OTHER COLLABS that will be released who-knows-when
-A PUZZLE GAME that's been on the backburner for about three months
-AN XMAS FLASH? (It's gonna be a while before you get to see this one)
Oh yeah, and if you didn't get a chance to play my latest game, check out I Can't Afford A Wheelchair!
(Run cycle from fighter game mentioned above)