Boy did last year SUCK!
I have a whole tonna awesome projects in store for you guys that I was hoping to get out by last year, (especially something that was supposed to be done in three days, back in August!) so prepare yourselves.
- A cheap gimmick of an art game
- A bunch of collabs, one of which was organized by me
- A difficult/mentally challenging game
- A Christmas movie that I wasn't even CLOSE to finishing for this holiday season
An in addition to that, just about everything on this list is hands-down better than anything else I've ever released, so I'm pretty psyched!
And yeah... I got my username changed. The old one was too dumb, unmemorable, and 11-year-oldish. The new one probably seems like a dumb name right now, but give it some time.
Here's a run cycle I made for fun:
who da fuck is mbox?
It's where I go to check my mail.